Reserve Reports
Reserve reports return information based on items showing in the Reserves list, so perform a claimant search before running reports.
Reserve Reports Process
Claims Submission Log Query Feed (Excel Only) – Reports a log of claim submissions. Available as an excel spreadsheet only. Includes effective date, policyholder, contract number, claimant, received date, submission type, etc.
Lasered Individuals Specific Reserves – Reports claim payment and reserve information for lasered individuals. Includes policy information and diagnosis as well as paid, reimbursed, requested, adjusted, pending, outstanding, and reserve amounts.
Loss Adjustment Expense Summary – Provides summary information on loss adjustments. Includes policy information and loss adjustment amount.
Specific Claim Denied Charges – Provides information on denied specific claims. Includes policy information, audit date, denial reason and amount, and auditor name.
Specific Claim Denied Charges Summary – Provides summary information on denied charges. Includes denial reason, amounts denied, number of denials and percentage of claim that is denied.
Specific Claim Diagnosis Category Summary – Reports total reimbursements and average claim amounts for various diagnoses.
Specific Claim Lag Triangle – Reports incurred vs. paid dates.
Specific Claim Lag Triangle With Loss Adjustment Expenses – Reports incurred vs. paid dates with loss adjustment expenses.
Specific Claim Multiple Year Claimants – Reports claim information for claimants over multiple years. Includes policy information, underwriter, diagnosis, allowed amounts, total billed amounts, pended amounts, deductibles, etc.
Specific Claim Negotiated Discount Summary – Reports summary information on negotiated discounts applied to claims.
Specific Claim Paid To Date – Reports details on claims paid to date. Includes effective date, policyholder, and claimant as well as incurred dates, payment dates, pended/denied amounts, outstanding, and reserves.
Specific Claim Pended Charges – Reports details on pended charges including auditor, pend reason, pend amount and days pended.
Specific Claim Pended Charges Summary – Provides summary information on pended charges. Includes pend reason, amounts pended, number of pend charges, and percentage of claim that is pended.
Specific Claim PPO Network Discount Summary – Reports summary information on PPO network discounts applied to claims.
Specific Claim Recommendation Overrides – Reports overrides on claims. Includes claimant, underwriter, who reviewed the claim, TPA paid amounts, reimbursed amounts, etc.
Specific Claim Reimbursement Summary – Reports summary information for various reimbursement ranges. Includes third-party paid amounts, deductible, disallowed, pending, split funding, outstanding, reserves, etc.
Specific Claims Lag Triangle With Detail – Lists incurred vs. paid dates with additional claim information, including policy and claimant name.
Specific Claims Reserves Variance – Reports variances in reserves. Closing periods and variance threshold are configurable prior to running the report. Includes policy information, claimant, diagnosis, reserve changes, who set the new reserve, etc.
Specific Paid Claims – Reports paid specific claims. Includes policy information, tpa paid amounts, allowed and disallowed amounts, reserves, outstanding balance, etc.
Specific Paid Claims with no Notices – Detailed claim payment information for claims without notices. Includes policy holder, payment and reimbursement data and producer and TPA name.
Specific Reserve Summary – Reports summary information for various reserve ranges. Includes third-party paid amounts, deductible, disallowed, pending, split funding, outstanding, reserves, etc.
Specific Reserves – Reports payment details for claims, including reserve amounts.