Request Checks
Request checks when you are ready to authorize payment on an expense. Requested checks appear in the Check Register tab.
Search for the desired policies, then click Request Checks to display the Expense Payment Request window. The window displays all expenses for the searched policies. You can filter the list by carrier and treaty.
Check to filter expenses by the corresponding category.
Use this drop-down to select carrier and treaty when filtering payees by those categories. Disabled when you are filtering by payee.
List of all expenses for your policy search results as filtered by your selected category (Treaty, Carrier or Payee). Check an expense to select it for payment.
Running total of all checked expenses. Calculated by ESL Office.
Check the box next to each expense you want to pay. If you are paying the expense via wired transfer, check the corresponding ACH box.
Click Request to submit the expenses for payment. ESL Office moves the expenses to the Check Register tab.