Payout Reports
Use payout reports to track your payouts. Reports return information on the Payee list.
Payout Reports Process
Month-End Payout by Payee – Reports month-end payout information for each payee. Includes Payee name, payout due, payment made, cash call, and payout still outstanding.
Month-End Payout by Carrier – Groups payees by carrier and reports month-end payout information. Includes carrier and payee name, payout due, payment made, cash call, and payout still outstanding.
Month-End Payout by Treaty – Groups payees by treaty and reports month-end payout information. Includes treaty and payee name, payout due, payment made, cash call, and payout still outstanding.
Month-End Payout Detail – Breaks payout information down by payee, treaty, coverage type, and payout type. Includes total payout amount, payment made, cash call, and payout out standing for each coverage and payout type.