Add/Edit Benefit Plans


Search for, then click the desired submission to view its profile.


Scroll to the Quote Scenarios section of the submission profile and click the desired scenario to display its Scenario window.


Click Benefit Plan to display plan information.


Click Separate Benefit Plan if you want to split the benefit plan into a current plan, and a proposed plan and edit the two seperately.


Click Edit to edit and create classes for the plan. All plans have one Class by default. To add a class, click the plus symbol to the right of the Plan pane.


Adds a new class.


Deletes the class.


Specify Plan information for the class as follows:

Class Name

Give the class a name in this field.


If the class includes medical coverage, slide the toggle to Yes. Defaults to Yes.

Prescription Drug Card 

If the class includes prescription drug card coverage, slide the toggle to Yes. Defaults to No.


If the class includes dental coverage, slide the toggle to Yes. Defaults to No.


If the class includes vision coverage, slide the toggle to Yes. Defaults to No.

Short Term Disability

If the class includes short term disability coverage, slide the toggle to Yes. Defaults to No.


Specify the number and percent enrolled in the plan for the class using the two fields. Defaults to the data provided in your census.


If you enabled Medical coverage for the class, the Medical section for the class appears.

Specify medical coverage details for the class as follows.


Benefit Plan Type
Select the desired plan type from this drop-down. The default is Directed PPO Network.
Deductible amount for the benefit plan type.
Family Limit
Choose the family limit using the drop-down. 
Coinsurance Percentage
Specify co-insurance percentage.
Coinsurance Maximum Unlimited
Slide the toggle to Yes if co-insurance maximums are unlimited.
Coinsurance Maximum
If you set Coinsurance Maximum Unlimited to No, specify the coinsurance maximum amount here.
Family Limit
Set the coinsurance family limit using the drop-down.
Maximum Out-of-Pocket
If you set Coinsurance Maximum Unlimited to No, specify the maximum coinsurance out of pocket amount here.
Include Deductible
Slide the toggle to Yes if deductibles are included in maximum out-of-pocket amounts.
2nd Coinsurance Percentage
Second co-insurance percentage goes here.


Primary Physician Office Visit
Copay amounts for primary care physician office visits.
Copay amount for specialist visits.
Maximum Number of Copays
Maximum number of copays required.
Hospital Stay: Inpatient Per Stay
Copay amount for inpatient hospital stays. Amount per stay.
Hospital Stay: Inpatient Per Day
Copay amount for inpatient hospital stays. Amount per day.
Outpatient Surgical Center
Copay amount for outpatient surgical center. 
Copay amount for CT scan or MRI.
Emergency Room
Copay for emergency room visits.
Include Medical Copays in

Use the drop-down to specify what medical copays are included in. Choices are:

Coins. OOP Max

Copays apply toward coinsurance out of pocket maximums.

Not in Maximum

Copays do not apply toward maximums. This is the default.

Total OOP Max

Copays apply toward the total out of pocket maximum.

Other Provisions

Slide the toggle to Yes if pre-certification is required.
Large Case Management
Slide the toggle to Yes to enable large case management. 
Concurrent Review
Slide the toggle to Yes to enable concurrent review.
Discharge Planning
Slide the toggle to Yes to enable discharge planning.
Extension of Benefits

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable extension of benefits.

Vary Utilization by Coinsurance Level

Slide the toggle to Yes to vary utilization by coinsurance level.

Infertility Benefit Included

Slide the toggle to Yes to include infertility benefits.

Dependent Participation

Specify what percent of plan participation is by dependents in this field.

Employer Dependent Contribution

Specify the percent of employer dependent contribution in this field.


Wellcare Benefits

Specify the wellcare benefits from the drop-down.

Organ Transplant

Organ Transplant

Slide the toggle to Yes if the plan includes organ transplants.

Benefit Limit

Enter the organ transplant benefit here.

No Limit

Slide the toggle to Yes if there is no limit to the organ transplant benefit.

Mental Health

Inpatient Annual Day Limit

Specify the annual day limit for inpatient mental health care from this drop-down.

Outpatient Coverage

Specify the level of outpatient mental health care coverage from this drop-down.

Ultimate Coinsurance

Specify the ultimate coinsurance percent for mental health care.

Maximum Benefits

Specify the maximum benefit amount for mental health care here.

Maximum Visits

The maximum number of allowed visits for mental health care here.

Substance Abuse

Inpatient Annual Day Limit

Specify the annual day limit for inpatient substance abuse care from this drop-down.

Outpatient Coverage

Specify the level of outpatient substance abuse care coverage from this drop-down.

Ultimate Coinsurance

Specify the ultimate coinsurance percent for substance abuse care.

Maximum Benefit

Specify the maximum benefit amount for substance abuse care here.

Maximum Visits

Specify the maximum number of allowed visits for substance abuse care here.


If you enabled Prescription Drug Card coverage for the class, the Prescription Drug Card section for the class appears.

Specify prescription coverage details for the class as follows.


Four Tier Benefit

Slide the toggle to Yes if the benefit is four-tier.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include specialty.

Mail Order

Slide the toggle to Yes to include mail order prescriptions. Adds a Mail Order column to Copays.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include out of network prescriptions. Adds an Out Net column to copays.

Annual Deductible

Specify the annual deductible criteria using this drop-down.

Deductible Coverage

Specify deductible coverage rules using this drop-down.

Copays – Annual Deductible


Annual deductible for generic medications.


Annual deductible for formulary medications.


Annual deductible for non-formulary medications.


Annual deductible for lifestyle medications.


Annual deductible for specialty medications.

Waive Deductible?

Slide the toggle to Yes to waive annual deductibles.

Copays – Coinsurance


Enter the coinsurance percent, and minimum and maximum coinsurance for generic medications in the corresponding Coinsurance, Min, and Max. fields.


Enter the coinsurance percent, and minimum and maximum coinsurance for formulary medications in the corresponding Coinsurance, Min, and Max field.


Enter the coinsurance percent, and minimum and maximum coinsurance for non-formulary medications in the corresponding Coinsurance, Min, and Max field.


Enter the coinsurance percent, and minimum and maximum coinsurance for lifestyle medications in the corresponding Coinsurance, Min, and Max field.


Enter the coinsurance percent, and minimum and maximum coinsurance for lifestyle medications in the corresponding Coinsurance, Min, and Max field.


Annual Maximum

Annual maximum copay goes here.

Include Oral Contraceptives

Slide the toggle to Yes if oral contraceptives are included in copays.

Maximum Out-of-Pocket

Maximum Out-of-Pocket

Maximum out-of-pocket goes here.

Mandatory Generic Substitution

Slide the toggle to Yes if generic medications must be used when available.

Combine with Medical

Slide the toggle to Yes if you want to combine prescription maximum out-of-pocket with medical. 

Average Discounts


The average discount for generic medications goes here.


The average discount for formulary medications goes here.


The average discount for non-formulary medications goes here.


The average discount for lifestyle medications goes here.


The average discount for speciality medications does here.

Percentage of Retail Prescriptions

redirected to Mail Order

The percentage of retail prescriptions redirected to mail order.

redirected to Out-of-Network

The percentage of retail prescriptions redirected to out-of-network.



Percent utilization for generic medications.


Percent utilization for formulary medications.


Percent utilization for non-formulary medications.


Perecent utilization for lifestyle medications.


Percent utilization for specialty medications.


Per Rx Fee

Loading amount per prescription fee.

Percent of Claim Cost

Loading as a percent of claim cost.


If you enabled Prescription Dental coverage for the class, the Dental section for the class appears.

Specify dental coverage details for the class as follows.


Deductible amount for dental coverage goes here.

Applied to Class 1

Slide the toggle to Yes if the deductible applies to class 1.

I. Preventative

Coinsurance percentage for preventative dental care.

II. Basic Restorative

Coinsurance percentage for basic restorative dental care.

III. Major Restorative

Coinsurance percentage for major restorative dental care.

Annual Maximum Benefit

Maximum coinsurance amount for dental care.


Slide the toggle to Yes if orthodontic work is covered.


Coinsurance percentage for orthodontic work. Available when Orthodontia is set to Yes.

Lifetime Maximum Benefit

Lifetime maximum for orthodontic work. Available when Orthodontia is set to Yes.

Adults Included

Slide the toggle to Yes if adult orthodontic work is covered.


If you enabled Vision coverage for the class, the Vision section for the class appears.

Specify vision coverage details for the class as follows.

Benefit Plan

Specify the vision benefit plan from the drop-down.

Eye Exam

Fee per unit for eye exams.


Fee per unit for regular lenses.


Fee per unit for bifocal lenses.


Fee per unit for trifocal lenses.


Fee per unit for lenticular lenses.


Fee per unit for eyeglass frames.

Medically Necessary

Fee per unit for medically necessary contact lenses.


Fee per unit for cosmetic contact lenses.


Copay amount.


If you enabled Short-Term Disability coverage for the class, the Weekly Income section for the class appears.

Specify disability coverage details for the class as follows.

Benefit Plan

Select the disability benefit plan from the drop-down.

Average Weekly Benefit

The amount of weekly income paid under Worker's Compensation.


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