Review and Edit Individual Lasers
Search for, then click the desired submission to view its profile.
Scroll to the Quote Scenarios section of the submission profile and click the desired scenario to display its Scenario window.
Click the Individual Lasers category link on the Scenario page. This category link only appears if you have not enabled the medical underwriting module.
Click New to display the Individual window.
Specify the laser information as follows
If you want to specify the lasered individual by a description instead of a name, slide the toggle to By Description, then enter the description in the field. If you want to specify the lasered individual by name, slide the toggle to By Name and enter the individual's name in the field. As you begin typing, names matching your entry appear. Select the desired name. If you enter a name not already in the database, ESL Office displays the New Participant window, allowing you to add the participant to the database.
Specify the participant's biological sex from this drop-down.
Specify the participant's relation to the employee from this drop-down.
Specify the deductible for the laser here.
If the laser is conditional, slide the toggle to Yes and specify the condition in the field.
If the laser has a different contract type, slide the toggle to Yes and specify the contract type from the drop-down.
If the laser has a different individual coverage limit, slide the toggle to Yes and specify the limit in the field.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the laser's aggregate deductible is the same as the group. Sliding this toggle to Yes slides the Individual Laser Deductible under it to No.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the laser has a unique aggregate deductible. Sliding this toggle to Yes slides the Group Specific Deductible above it to No.
Specify any notes pertaining to the laser here.
Click Save.
To edit an existing laser, hover over it to display the Edit and Delete buttons, then click the Edit button.
Edit the laser as desired and click Save.