Review and Edit Specific Experience


Search for, then click the desired submission to view its profile.


Scroll to the Quote Scenarios section of the submission profile and click the desired scenario to display its Scenario window.


Click the Specific Experience category link on the Scenario page. This category link only appears if specific coverage exists for the scenario.


Click Edit.


To configure the experience, click the pencil icon to display the Configuration window.


Slide the toggle to Include for each desired experience. Each checked experience appears as a separate block in the Experience window.


Removes the experience column.


Slide the Sync Shock With Aggregate toggle to Yes to use your aggregate shock data for your specific experience. Slide the toggle to No if you want specific experience shock data to be separate from aggregate experience shock data.


Click OK.


Review and edit the experience as follows:

Specific Experience

Start Date

Starting date for the experience period. Enter the date directly in the field or click the calendar icon and specify the date using the drop-down tool.

End Date

Ending date for the experience period. Enter the date directly in the field or click the calendar icon and specify the date using the drop-down tool.

Contract Basis

Use the drop-down to specify the contract basis for the experience period.

Experience Base Rate

Base rate for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.


Run-in and Run-out values for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Contract Length

Actual contract length. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Adjusted Experience Period Rate

Experience rate adjusted for contract length. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Dependent %

Dependent percentage. Calculated and populated by ESL office.

# of Specific Claims

Total number of specific claims for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Paid Claims

Total dollar amount of all specific claims paid during the experience period.

Monthly Trend % - Suggested Adjusted

The first field shows the monthly percent trend as calculated by ESL Office. The second field lets you enter your own trend percent to override the ESL calculated value.

Apply All On/Off

Slide the toggle to On if you want the current monthly trend to apply to all experience period columns.

Trend Adj

Trend adjustment. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Benefit Adjustment

Suggested benefit adjustment. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Annual Projected Claims

Annual claims projected by ESL Office.

Average Enrollment

Average enrollment for the experience period.

Experience Period Months

Number of months in the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Composite Monthly Projected Claims

Monthly composite claims projected by ESL Office.

Blend (Weighting Factor) - Suggested / Adjusted

The first field displays the weighted blend factor calculated by ESL Office. The second field allows you to enter your own blend to override the ESL Office calculated value.

Apply All On/Off

Slide the toggle to On if you want the current blend to apply to all experience period columns.

Blended Composite

Blended composite value. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Experience Net Premium

Net premium amount for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Acquisition Expenses

Acquisition expenses for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Final Gross Net Premium

Final gross net premium for the experience period. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.

Experience Credibility - Suggested / Adjusted

Experience credibility for the experience period. The first field contains the value calculated by ESL Office. The second field allows you to enter your own value and override the ESL Office calculated value.

Apply All Off/On

Slide the toggle to On if you want the experience credibility for the current experience period to apply to all experience period columns.

Individual Claimants 


Enter the deductible for a shock loss here. If you set the Sync Shock With Aggregate toggle to Yes, this field is populated by ESL Office from your aggregate shock loss data.


The shock loss amount goes here. Press Tab to create a new Shock Loss row. If you set the Sync Shock With Aggregate toggle to Yes, this field is populated by ESL Office from your aggregate shock loss data.

Shock Total

Shock total displays here, and is the sum of all your shock loss amount entries. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.


Click Save.