Create a Competitive Analysis
Search the desired medical stop loss quote.
Click the desired quote to display its profile.
Scroll to the Quote Scenarios section of the submission profile and click the desired scenario to display its Scenario window.
Click the Competitive Rates link.
Click Edit.
Click to add a new competitive analysis.
Click to delete the competitive analysis.
Define the analysis as follows:
Select the comparison type from the drop-down.
Enter the stop loss carrier or market here. As you begin typing, ESL Office displays a list of carriers / markets matching your typed text. Select the desired carrier / market from the list.
Give the competitive analysis a name here.
Specific Coverage
Slide the toggle to Yes to include specific coverage in the comparison. This enables the various toggles and fields in this section.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include medical in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include prescription drugs under medical coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include prescription drug card coverage in the comparison.
Select the comparison contract type from this drop-down.
Enter the comparison annual deductible per person.
Slide the toggle to Yes if family specific deductible exists for the comparison.
Enter the comparison run-in limit here.
Select how maximum coverage limit is determined for the comparison. If you select a value other than Unlimited, enter the maximum coverage limit in the field below the drop-down.
Select the desired comparison rate tier schedule from the drop-down.
Enter the comparison rates for employee, employee plus dependent, etc. in the corresponding field. Only field corresponding to your tier schedule selection are unlocked and editable. Enrollments are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on the scenario's census.
Comparison annual premium. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.
Enter commissions for the comparison here.
Enter the reimbursement percentage for the comparison here.
Specify the comparison's terminal lliability provision using this drop-down.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison includes aggregating specific. Enables the Additional Liability field.
Enter the additional liability for aggregating specific here. Enabled when you slide the Aggregating Specific toggle to Yes.
Enter any additional laser liability for the comparison here.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison allows for simultaneous reimbursement.
Aggregate Coverage
Slide the toggle to Yes to include aggregate coverage in the comparison. This enables the various toggles and fields in this section.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include medical coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include prescription drugs as part of medical coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include presciption drug card coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include dental coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include vision coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include short-term disability coverage in the comparison.
Slide the toggle to Yes to include coverage not covered above in the comparison. Describe the coverage in the field below the toggle.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison includes monthly aggregate accommodation.
Enter the maximum liability per person for the comparison here.
Specify the comparison's contract type using this drop-down.
Enter the maximum annual reimbursement for the comparison here.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison has unlimited coverage.
Enter the reimbursement percentage for the comparison here.
Select the comparison's aggregate tier schedule from this drop-down.
Enter the comparison rates for employee, employee plus dependent, etc. in the corresponding field. Only field corresponding to your tier schedule selection are unlocked and editable. Enrollments are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on the scenario's census.
The comparison's accommodation rate goes here.
Specify the comparison's terminal liability provision using this drop-down.
Enter the comparison's corridor here.
Enter the comparison's terminal liability rate here.
The comparison's annual premium. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.
Enter the comparison's commissions percentage here.
The comparison's annual aggregated deductible. Calculated and populated by ESL Office.
Enter the deductible corridor for the comparison here.
Enter the minimum aggregate deductible for the comparison here.
Enter the run-in limit for the comparison here.
Specify the aggregate factor tier schedule for the comparison using this drop-down list.
Specify medical aggregate factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Medical toggle to Yes.
Specify prescription drug card factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Prescription Drugs Card toggle to Yes. If Rx factors are included in medical, slide the toggle from Separate to In Medical.
Specify dental factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Dental toggle to Yes. If dental factors are included in medical, slide the toggle from Separate to In Medical.
Specify vision factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Vision toggle to Yes. If vision factors are included in medical, slide the toggle from Separate to In Medical.
Specify disability factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Short-Term Disability toggle to Yes. If disability factors are included in medical, slide the toggle from Separate to In Medical.
Specify any other factors for the comparison in these fields. Enrollment numbers are calculated and populated by ESL Office based on scenario census. Editable fields correspond to the aggregate factor tier schedule you specified. Only appears if you have set the Other toggle to Yes. If other factors are included in medical, slide the toggle from Separate to In Medical.
Policy Terms
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison has a renewal guarantee.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison has a renewal rate cap. Enables the Maximum Rate Increase field.
If you slid the Renewal Rate Cap toggle to Yes, enter the maximum allowed rate increase on renewal for the comparison in this field.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison allows for gapless renewal.
Slide the toggle to Yes if the comparison allows for laser free renewal.
Click Save.