Query Search


Click the Aggregate tab.


Click the Query button to display the Query window.

Criteria category. Click a category to display its criteria.
Criteria for the selected category.
Your query displays here as you build it.

Build your query by selecting and defining the desired criteria as described below. Click a criteria category to see its corresponding criteria.

Policy Criteria

MultiSelect Text parameter that lets you specify one or more administrators to search.
MultiSelect Text parameter that lets you specify one or more carriers to search.
Contract Type
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified contract bases.
Effective Date
Date Range parameter that returns records with effective dates falling within the specified date range.
MultiSelect Text parameter that lets you specify one or more offices to search.
MultiSelect Text parameter that lets you specify one or more policies to search.
MultiSelect Text parameter that lets you specify one or more producers to search.
Boolean parameter that lets you specify whether to only return records that are or are not renewals.
SIC Code
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified SIC Codes.
Pick List parameter that returns records containing the specified states.
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified statuses.
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified tags.
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified treaties.
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified underwriters.
UR Vendor
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified UR vendors.

Claims Criteria

Excess Claim
Value Range parameter that returns records where excess claim amounts are within the specified range.
Excess of Attach
Value Range parameter that returns records where excess attach amounts are within the specified range.
Excess of Loss Limit
Value Range parameter that returns records where the excess loss limit is within the specified range.
Ineligible Charges
Value Range parameter that returns records where ineligible charge amounts are within the specified range.
Monthly Accommodation
Boolean parameter that lets you specify whether to only return records that do or do not have a monthly accommodation.
Net Claim
Value Range parameter that returns records where net claim amounts are within the specified range.
Paid Claims
Value Range parameter that returns records where paid claim amounts are within the specified range.
Pend Reimbursements
Value Range parameter that returns records where net pending reimbursement amounts are within the specified range.
Value Range parameter that returns records where pending amounts are within the specified range.
Percent of Attach
Value Range parameter that returns records where attachment percentage is within the specified range.
Value Range parameter that returns records where reimbursement amounts are within the specified range.
Reported By
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified reported by individuals.
Reported Date
Date Range parameter that returns records with reported dates falling within the specified date range.
Value Range parameter that returns records where reserve amounts are within the specified range.
Reserve Reason
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified reserve reasons.
Reserves Adjusted By
Pick List parameter that returns records with the specified individuals.
YTD Attach
Value Range parameter that returns records where YTD attach amounts are within the specified range.
YTD Minimum
Value Range parameter that returns records where YTD minimum amounts are within the specified range.

Make any changes to the query as needed by clicking the criteria's Edit button in the Criteria pane.

Expands all query criteria items.
Collapses all query criteria items.
Removes all criteria from the query.
Lets you edit the currently select criteria.
Deletes the currently selected criteria.

If you want to keep the query to use again, click Save to Favorites to display the Save to Favorites window. Give the query a name in the Name field and click Save.


Click Execute to run the query.


If you want to run an existing query, click Open Favorites, select the query and click OK, then click Execute.