Specific Claims Reserves Variance

Running this report opens the Reserve Variance window. Specify the Reserve amount and closing periods to report, click OK, then run the report again.

Close Period
Use the first drop-down to set the first closing period in the reporting range. Use the second drop-down to set final closing period to report. The report returns data within these two closing periods.
Enter reserve variance threshold here. Only claims producing a reserve change equal to or greater than the amount you enter here get reported.

Policy effective date.
Group name.
Who filed the claim.
Patient diagnosis code (ICD-9 or ICD-10).
Diagnosis Description
Description of the diagnosis code.
Notice (Y/N)
Whether or not the claim is a notice.
Reserve Increase
Reserve increased by the claim.
Current Reserve
Current reserve amount.
Set By
Who set the reserve.
When the reserve was changed.