Create a Company Search Query


Click the Directory tab.


Click the Query button to display the Query window.

Criteria category. Click a category to display its criteria.
Criteria for the selected category.
Your query displays here as you build it.

Select and define the desired query criteria as defined below. Click a criteria category to see its corresponding criteria. Click OK when you are finished specifying criteria to close the window and add the criteria to your query.

Company Criteria

Company Name
Multiple Text parameter that lets you specify one or more company names to search.
Company Number
Multiple Text parameter that lets you specify one or more company numbers to search.
Producer Status
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more producer statuses to search.
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more business relationships to search.
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more states to search.
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more statuses to search.
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more company types to search.
Underwriter Assigned To
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more individuals assigned as underwriter. The query returns companies matching your selections.

Contact Criteria

Pick List parameter that lets you specify one ore more departments to search. The query returns companies with contact in the selected departments.

Lists Criteria

List Name
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one ore more lists to search. The query returns companies belonging to the selected lists.

Groups Criteria

Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more companies defined as administrators. The query returns the selected companies.
Pick List parameter that lets you specify one or more companies defined as producers. The query returns the selected companies.
Underwriter Assigned To
Pick List parameter that lets you specify on ore more companies defined as assigned underwriters. The query returns the selected companies.

Administrators Criteria

E&O Insurance Exp Date
Date Range parameter that lets you specify a date range. The query returns companies with E&O insurance expiration dates within the specified range.
E&O Insurance Liability Limit
Value Range parameter that lets you specify a range of values. The query returns companies with an E&O insurance liability limit within the specified range.

Make any changes to the query as needed by clicking the criteria's Edit button in the Criteria pane.

Expands all query criteria items.
Collapses all query criteria items.
Removes all criteria from the query.
Lets you edit the currently select criteria.
Deletes the currently selected criteria.

If you want to keep the query to use again, click Save to Favorites to display the Save to Favorites window. Give the query a name in the Name field and click Save.


Click Execute to run the query.


If you want to run an existing query, click Open Favorites, select the query and click OK, then click Execute.