

Use @@AddToList when you want to create your own list to use with @@ConcatList. Use the statement for each item you want to add to your list.


@@AddToList(<list name>, <item>, <test>)


<list name>

The name of the list you are adding the item to.


The text you are adding to the list. This can be a token.


An optional test for adding the item to the list. The item is only added when the test is true. The test can be a token. When testing on a string (non-numeric value), enclose the data in single quotes. When testing on a number, do not use single quotes.

Use Or and And for testing multiple conditions. Or evaluates to true when any of the conditions are true. And evaluates to true only when all of the conditions are true.

You can use any of the following test conditions:




does not equal


less than (only allowed with numeric data)


greater than (only allowed with numeric data)


@@AddToList(‘Coverage’, ‘Specific’, #Terms.SpIsCoverage = ‘Y’)
@@AddToList(‘Coverage’, ‘Aggregate’, #Terms.AgIsCoverage = ‘Y’)

adds the items Specific and Aggregate to the list Coverage when #Terms.SpIsCoverage and #Terms.AgIsCoverage equal ‘Y’ respectively.