

Use @@Concat when you want to create a delimited list of data from an array. @@Concat differs from @@ConcatList in that the items in the list can be from any location with the XML, and not just nodes within a specified data set.


@@Concat(<data>, <delimiter>)



An array of pairs of text and tests. The array is enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Each array element is separated by a comma (,) and each array pair is separated by a semicolon (;) . The text portion of the array element is enclosed in single quotes. When the test is true, the text portion of the array element is included in the document. When the test is false, the text is ignored. If you are using @@Concat inside a repeat, you can use the subscript [i] as a placeholder for RepeatIndex. You can use a token for the test.

When testing on a string (non-numeric value), enclose the data in single quotes. When testing on a number, do not use single quotes.

Use Or and And for testing multiple conditions. Or evaluates to true when any of the conditions are true. And evaluates to true only when all of the conditions are true.

Example: [‘Text1’, Test1; ‘Text2’, Test2; ‘Text3’, Test3]

The test portion of the array can use any of the following operators:


does not equal


less than (only allowed with numeric data)


greater than (only allowed with numeric data)


The character you want to use to separate each item in the concatenated list. You can use the following separators:

  • Comma
  • Semicolon
  • Colon
  • Dash
  • Forward Slash
  • Period
  • Space



@@Concat(['Medical', #Options.Option[i].SpIsMDCovered = 'Y'; 'Rx Card', #Options.Option[i].SpIsRXCovered = 'Y'; ‘Vision’, #Options.Option[i].SpIsVICovered = ‘Y’], ', ')