

Use the @@Include/@@End statement pair to tell the document processor to include all material inside the pair, with the exception of statement text, which never appears in a generated document.

The @@Include statement doesn’t take any additional parameters. Included material honors all Word features, including list numbering, formatting, fields, images, tables, styles, etc.

@@Include is typically placed after the @@DefineSection statement, or after any statements in a section that come after @@DefineSection, but before the actual section contents.


@@BeginSection('Schedule of Benefits')
@@DefineSection('Schedule of Benefits')

Section contents.



@@BeginSection('Schedule of Benefits')
@@DefineSection('Schedule of Benefits')
@@Define #PhAddress @@If(#MDSLPolicy.AccountStreet2 <> '', '#MDSLPolicy.AccountStreet, #MDSLPolicy.AccountStreet2', '#MDSLPolicy.AccountStreet')

Other section contents.
