
Welcome to ESL Office, Young Consulting’s next generation integrated workflow software solution for carriers and managing general underwriters to underwrite and administer Medical Stop Loss and Group Term Life lines of business.

Utopia handles new business underwriting; renewal underwriting; and policy, premium and claim administration, and includes the following modules:

Contact Management

The Contact Management module provides an integrated communication and marketing tool allowing you to interface with all business associates and prospects, including brokers, producers, third-party administrators, and group and health care vendors.


The Underwriting module lets you track and manage quotes, develop rates (both manual and experience), issue proposals, and perform underwriting analysis.

Underwriting (Utopia)

The Utopia Underwriting module handles all your underwriting needs in a modern application using the latest web technologies.

Policy Administration

The Policy Administration module lets you maintain all premium rates and terms, administer claims, and issue policies for Medical Stop Loss and Group Term Life lines of business.

Premium Accounting

The Premium Accounting (also called Premium Administration) module lets you manage your premium collections, fee and commission payouts, and reimbursements. It also provides reinsurance reporting.


The Claims module provides complete auditing and reporting for both specific and aggregate claims, loss adjustment expenses, reimbursements and reserves.

Block Analysis

The Block Analysis module is an analytical tool that lets you report loss ratio, and claim/premium triangulations by book of business. It combines policy, premium and claims data to provide easy analysis and reporting.

Medical Underwriting

The Medical Underwriting module is a risk management tool that lets you communicate claimant underwriting recommendations to underwriters during the underwriting process.

Exchange Queue

The Exchange Queue module is a filing queue for claims, notices and quotes requests sent from TPA’s (Third-Party Administrators) and brokers through Young Consulting’s xchangecentre solution.