Register Documents

In order to use templates to generate your policy documents, you need to register them with the system.


Click the Menu button, then Policy Administration, then Doc Registry to display the Document Registry Window.


Click New to register a new document, or click an existing document to edit its registration. ESL Office displays the Policy Document Registry window.


Specify the registration parameters as follows.

Describe the document's purpose here.
Line of Insurance
Select the line of insurance the document applies to. ESL Office only considers the document for inclusion when policies are in the specified line of insurance.
Click Select File and choose the template ESL Office will use to generate the necessary form.
Data Source
Specify the data source for the form. ESL Office uses the data in this source, in combination with your specified document template, to create the policy form.
Default Document
Check Yes if you want the document appended by default. Otherwise check No.
Check Yes if you want the registered document to be editable. Otherwise check No.

Click Criteria to display the Document Query window. The Document Query window lets you define the rules ESL Office will use when deciding if the document should be part of a policy.

Criteria category. Click a category to display its criteria.
Criteria for the selected category.
As you select and define your document criteria, the results display here.

Define the rules ESL Office will use to include a document in a policy by selecting and specifying the desired criteria as follows.

Policy Criteria

Additional Schedules
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified additional schedules.
Multi-select Text parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified carriers.
Coverage Type
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified coverage types.
Effective Date
Date Range parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified effective date.
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy has limitations.
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy is a renewal.
SIC Code
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified SIC codes.
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies for the specified states.
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified statuses.
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified treaties.

Specific Terms Criteria

Contract Advantage Plan
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy is a contract advantage plan.
Corridor Split Funding
Value Range parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies where corridor split funding is within the specified range.
Fixed Split Funding
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified fixed split funding.
Include Retirees
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy includes retired individuals.
Initial Carrier Liability
Value Range parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies where initial carrier liability is within the specified range.
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy has lasered individuals.
Sp Terminal Extension
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy contains a special terminal extension.
Spec Coverage
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified special coverages.
Specific Contract Basis
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified contract basis.
Specific Terminal Liability Option
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified terminal liability options.
Split Funded
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy is split funded.
Tiered Split Funded Agreement
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy is a tiered split fund agreement.
Transplant Carrier
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified transplant carriers.
Transplant Carrier Year
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies having the specified transplant carrier years.

Aggregate Terms Criteria

Ag Advance
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified aggregate advance wait periods.
Ag Advancement
Boolean parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies based on whether or not the policy is an aggregated advancement policy.
Ag Coverage
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified aggregate coverages.
Ag Terminal Extension
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified terminal extension terms.
Aggregate Contract Basis
Pick List parameter. ESL Office includes the document in policies with the specified aggregate contract basis.

Click Close when you are done specifying criteria to add your criteria to the document and close the Document Query window.


Click OK to register the document and close the Policy Registry window.