Bordereau Quarterly Summary

Bordereau Quarterly Summary – Summary information for all coverages and policies in the treaty in the reporting period, broken out by coverage type.

Close Period
Report closing period.
Coverage type for the treaty.
Gross Premium
Total premium for the coverage type.
Total non-claim expenses for the coverage type.
Net Premium
Gross premium less expenses.
Claim Fund
Amount set aside as a reserve for claims.
Any interest earned during the reporting period.
Paid Claims
Claims paid during the reporting period.
Funds remaining after paying claims.

Quarter Totals – Totals for all coverage types and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.

Gross Premium
Total premiums for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Total expenses for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Net Premium
Total gross premium less total expenses.
Claim Fund
Amount set aside as a claim reserve for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Total interest earned for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Paid Claims
Total amount of claims paid for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Claims Total
Total claims due for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.
Total balance for all coverages and policies in the treaty for the reporting period.

Payee Summary – Payout information for each policy in the treaty for the reporting period.

Close Period
Report closing period.
Coverage type.
Who received payment.
Percent of all payouts that went to this payee.
Dollar amount that went to this payee.