Review and Edit Terms


Click the Terms category button on the Scenario page.


Click Edit to display the Stop Loss Policy Terms window.


Set specific coverage terms as follows

Check the box by each type of specific coverage offered. If the specific coverage is not listed, check the last box and manually enter the specific coverage type in the field.
Simultaneous (Advance) Reimbursement
Check Yes if simultaneously reimbursement is allowed. Otherwise check No.
Maximum Coverage Limit
Check the box corresponding to how the maximum coverage limit is calculated, then enter the maximum limit in the field.
Family Specific Deductible
Check Yes if the deductible is for family coverage. Otherwise check No.
Reimbursement Percentage
Enter the reimbursement percentage in this field.
Terminal Liability Provision
Select the desired provision from the drop-down list.

Set aggregate coverage terms as follows

Check the box by each type of aggregate coverage offered. If the coverage is not on the list, check the last box and manually enter the coverage type in the field.
Aggregate Medical Factors Include
Check the box by each type of aggregate coverage that should be included as medical coverage when using aggregate factors. Note that check boxes only become active when the corresponding coverage is selected.
Monthly Aggregate Accommodation
Check Yes if terms allow for a monthly aggregate accommodation. Otherwise check No.
Maximum Annual Reimbursement
Enter the maximum reimbursement allowed per year in this field. If there is no limit, check Unlimited Coverage.
Reimbursement Percentage
Enter the reimbursement percentage in this field.
Deductible Corridor (Margin)
Enter the aggregate corridor in this field.
Minimum Attachment Point Percentage
Enter the minimum attachment point as a percentage in this field.
Terminal Extension Provision
Select the desired terminal extension provision from this drop-down list.
Enter the terminal extension corridor in this field as a percentage.
Limited Maximum Liability Per Person
Check Yes if terms include a limited maximum liability per person for terminal extension. Otherwise check No.

Specify rates and factors as follows

Specific Rate Schedule
Check the box by the schedule used for specific coverage rates.
Aggregate Factor Schedule
Check the box by the schedule used for aggregate coverage factors.
Aggregate Rate Schedule
Check the box by the schedule used for aggregate coverage rates.
Aggregate Payment Schedule
Check the box by when aggregate payments are made.

Click the Option 1 sub tab and specify option details as follows


Contract Type
Use this drop-down list to specify the option's specific coverage contract type.
Annual Deductible Per Person
Enter the maximum annual deductible per person for the option here.
Enter commission amount for the option here.
No Laser Option
Check Yes if there is no laser option. Otherwise check No.
Aggregating Specific
Check Yes if aggregating specific. Otherwise check No.
Additional Liability
Enter any additional liability amount here.
Split Funding
Check Yes if there is split funding for the option. Otherwise check No.
Enter any corridor percentage here.


Contract Type
Use this drop-down list to specify the option's aggregate coverage contract type.
Maximum Liability Per Person
Enter the maximum liability for each individual in the plan here.
Run-In Percent
Check Yes if using run-in percentages. Otherwise check No.
Run-In Percentage
If using run-in percentages, enter the percentage here.
Enter commission amount for the option here.
Aggregate Stand Alone (Only)
Check Yes or No as appropriate.

If you want to create a new option, click the New sub tab and document the option as described above.


If you want to delete an option, click Delete.


When finished, click Save.