Review and Edit Terms


Search for, then click the desired submission to view its profile.


Scroll to the Quote Scenarios section of the submission profile and click the desired scenario to display its Scenario window.


Click Terms in the Scenario window.


Click Edit.


Adds an option.


Deletes the option.


Specify the desired term details for each option as follows.



Slide the toggle to Yes to include specific coverage.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include Medical under specific coverage.

Prescription Drugs under Medical

Slide the toggle to Yes if you want to include prescription drugs under medical coverage. Note that this will automatically set Prescription Drug Card to No.

Prescription Drug Card

Slide the toggle to Yes if you want prescription drug card coverage. Note that this will automatically set Prescription Drugs under Medical to No.

Exclude Non-Specialty Only

Slide the toggle to Yes to exclude non-specialty only.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include custom coverage. This enables the text field below the slide. Enter a description of the coverage in this field.

Contract Type

Select the desired contract type from the drop-down.

Annual Deductible Per Person

Specify the annual deductible per person here.

Family Specific Deductible

Slide the toggle to Yes if deductible is famly.

Unlimited Coverage

Slide the toggle to Yes if coverage is unlimited. This disables the Maximum Coverage Limit drop-down and the Maximum Coverage Amount field.

Maximum Coverage Limit

Specify how the maximum coverage limit is calculated from this drop-down. This drop-down is disabled if Unlimited Coverage is set to Yes.

Maximum Coverage Amount

Specify the maximum coverage amount here. This field is disabled if Unlimited Coverage is set to Yes.

Reimbursement Percentage

Enter the reimbursement percentage here.

Terminal Liability Provision

Specify the terminal liability provision using this drop-down.

Laser Free Renewal

Toggle the slider to Yes if renewal is laser free.

Aggregating Specific

Toggle the slider to Yes if aggregating specific is allowed. This enables the Additional Liability field.

Additional Liability

Enter the additional liability amount here. This field is enabled when Aggregating Specific is set to Yes.

Split Funding

Toggle the slider to Yes if split funding is allowed.


Enter the corridor percentage here.

Simultaneous (Advance) Reimbursement

Slide the toggle to Yes if simultaneous reimbursement is permitted.

Supplemental Coverage

Slide the toggle to Yes if supplemental coverage is included.

Gapless Renewal

Slide the toggle to Yes if gapless renewal is permitted.

Renewal Guarantee

Slide the toggle to Yes if there is renewal guarantee.

Renewal Rate Cap

Slide the toggle to Yes if there is a rate cap on renewals. This enables the Maximum Rate Increase field.

Maximum Rate Increase

If you set Renewal Rate Cap to Yes, enter the maximum rate increase allowed in this field.

Premium Load in Lieu of Laser

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable a premium load in lieu of lasering. This enables the Premium Load field.

Premium Load

If you set Premium Load in Lieu of Laser to Yes, enter the premium load amount here.


Enter any commission amount here.

Specific Rate Schedule

Specify the tier schedule for specific rates from this drop-down.

Include Specific Composite Rate

Slide the toggle to Yes to include the specific composite rate.



Slide to toggle to Yes to include aggregate coverage.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include medical under aggregate coverage.

Rx Drug SAAO

Slide the toggle to Yes if prescription drug includes major medical. This automatically sets Rx Drug Card to No.

Rx Drug Card

Slide the toggle to Yes for separate drug card prescription coverage. This automatically sets Rx Drug Card and Rx Drug Card under Separate Aggregate Factors to No.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include dental under aggregate coverage.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include vision under aggregate coverage.

Weekly Income

Slide the toggle to Yes to include disability under aggregate coverage.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include any additional benefit under aggregate coverage. Enter a description for the additonal benefit in the field below the slider. The field becomes active when you set the toggle to Yes

Aggregate Stand-Alone (Only)

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable aggregate stand-alone.

Contract Type

Specify the type of contract from the drop-down.

Maximum Liability Per Person

Specify the maximum liability per person here.

Unlimited Coverage

Slide the toggle to Yes if coverage is unlimited. This disables the Maximum Annual Reimbursement field.

Maximum Annual Reimbursement

If Unlimited Coverage is set to No, specify the maximum annual reimbursement here.

Run-in Percentage

Specify the run-in percentage here.

Reimbursement Percentage

Specify the reimbursement percentage here.

Deductible Corridor

Enter the deductible corridor here.

Minimum Attachment Point Percentage

Enter the minimum attachment point percent here.

Split Funded Aggregate

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable split-funded aggregate and specify the corridor and reimbursement percentage in the corresponding fields below the slider.

Terminal Liability Provision

Specify the terminal liability provision using the drop-down. If you select a value other than None, specify the corridor in the corresponding field below the drop-down.

Limited Maximum Liability Per Person

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable limited maximum liability per person.

Monthly Aggregate Accommodation

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable monthly aggregate accommodation.


Enter any commission percentage here.

Aggregate Rate Schedule

Specify the aggregate rate tier schedule from this drop-down.

Aggregate Payment Schedule

Specify the aggregate premium payment schedule from this drop-down.

Aggregate Factor Schedule

Specify the aggregate factor tier schedule from this drop-down.

Include Aggregate Composite Factor

Slide the toggle to Yes to include the aggregate composite factor.

Separate Aggregate Factors

Slide each toggle (Rx Drug Card, Dental, Vision, Weekly Income, and Other)  to No if you want the factor included in medical.

Other Terms

Plan Mirroring

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable plan mirroring. This enables the Exclusion(s) field.


If you set Plan Mirroring to Yes, enter any exclusions in this field.

Actively at Work Waived

Slide the toggle to Yes to waive actively at work requirements for coverage.


Slide the toggle to Yes to include retirees in coverage.

Domestic Reimbursement

Domestic Hospital Reimbursement

Slide the toggle to Yes to include domestic hospital reimbursements. This enables the Domestic Reimbursement PercentageUtilization, and Adjustment Factors fields.

Domestic Reimbursement Percentage

If you set Domestic Hospital Reimbursement to Yes, enter the reimbursement percentage here.


If you set Domestic Hospital Reimbursement to Yes, enter the utilization percentage here.

Adjustment Factors

If you set Domestic Hospital Reimbursement to Yes, enter the adjustment factor here.

Specific Rate Type

Specific Rate Type

Specify the specific rate type from this drop-down list.

Aggregating Specific Reduction

Cost Reduction Minimum

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable cost reduction minimums. This enables the Reduction Percent Minimum field.

Reduction Percent Minimum

If you set Cost Reduction Minimum to Yes, enter the reduction minimum percent reduction here.

Cost Reduction Maximum

Slide the toggle to Yes to enable cost reduction maximums. This enables the Reduction Percent Maximum field.

Reduction Percent Maximum

If you set Cost Reduction Maximum to Yes, enter the reduction maximum percent here.


Click Save.