Request Stop Loss Renewal Information

If you need to request stop loss renewal information to complete the submission, do the following.


Search for, then click the desired submission to view its profile.


Click Tasks and choose Request Renewal Information.



Specify the renewal request information as follows:

Send To

Who the request will be sent to. Defaults to the Underwriting contact. To change the recipient, start typing the name of the individual you want to send the request to in this field. As you type, ESL Office displays matching contacts. Click a name and address to select it. If there are no matches for your entry, you can type in the complete email address in the field.

Send To First Name

The first name of the recipient. Populated by ESL Office and is the first name of the Underwriting contact by default.


If you want to carbon copy the request to another individual, begin typing that person's name in this field. As you type, ESL Office displays matching contacts. Click a name and address to select it. If there are no matches for your entry, you can type in the complete email address in the field. You can CC as many recipients as desired.


Specify who is sending the request in this field. Start typing the contact name in the field. As you type, ESL Office displays matching contacts. Click a name and address to select it. If there are no matches for your entry, you can type in the complete email address in the field. If you want to carbon copy the email sender, slide CC toggle to the right of the From field to Yes.


Enter the email subject here.


Choose the renewal request template from this drop-down list. Templates are coded documents ESL Office uses to generate a client specific request.


Click Next.


Check the box by each attachement you want to include in the request, then enter the email mesage in the Email Message text block. Use the buttons across the top of the block to format your email.


Click Next.


Review the request. Use the Back buttons to return to prior screens for editing as necessary.


When you are happy with the request, click Send.