Group Term Life Quote Reports
Group term life quote reports return information based on items showing in the Quote Log list.
Group Term Life Quote Reports Process
Group Term Life Quote Log Report – Reports term life quotes. Includes policy effective date, prospect name and address, producer, underwriter, status, receipt and quote dates, etc. Sortable by effective date, producer, administrator, broker, agent of record, carrier, underwriter, marketing representative, region, received date, due date, original quote date, last quote date, status, effective month, quarter, prospect name, and state.
Group Term Life Quote Log Detail Report – Reports detailed information on term life quotes. Includes policy effective date, prospect information, carrier, underwriter, market, quote status, receipt and quote dates, etc. Sortable by effective date, producer, administrator, broker, agent of record, carrier, underwriter, marketing representative, region, received date, due date, original quote date, last quote date, status, effective month, quarter, prospect name, and state.
Group Term Life Quote Statistics Report – Reports term life quote statistics by new business, renewals and a total of both renewal and new business. Includes number received, prepared, quoted, sold and quote / sale ratio. Sortable by effective date, producer, administrator, broker, agent of record, carrier, underwriter, marketing representative, region, effective month, and quarter.
Group Term Life Quote Statistics - New Business Report – Reports term life quote statistics for new business as well as statistics for renewals plus new business. Includes number received, prepared, not quoted, declined, quoted, and sold as well as sold / quote and declined / received ratios. Sortable by effective date, producer, administrator, broker, agent of record, carrier, underwriter, marketing representative, region, effective month, and quarter.
Group Term Life Quote Statistics - Renewal Report – Reports term life quote statistics for renewals as well as statistics for renewals plus new business. Includes number received, prepared, not quoted, declined, quoted, and sold as well as sold / quote and declined / received ratios. Sortable by effective date, producer, administrator, broker, agent of record, carrier, underwriter, marketing representative, region, effective month, and quarter.