Query Stop Loss Quote Search


Click the Medical Stop Loss tab.


Click the Query button to display the Query window.


Build your query by selecting and defining the desired criteria as described below. Click a criteria category to see its corresponding criteria.

Account Criteria

Entity Type

Pick list to search by Entity type.


Pick list to search by SIC code. 


Pick list to search by  state.

Submission Criteria


Search tool to specify Administrators to include in the query.

Administrator Group

Pick list to search by administrator group.

Agent of Record

Pick list to search by agent of record.

Block of Business

Pick list to search by block of business.


Pick list to search by broker.

Due Date

Date Range tool to let you search for due dates falling within a specified date range.

Incumbent Producer

Boolean to specify whether to only return records where the producer is or is not incumbent.

Journal Category

Pick list to search by journal category.

Marketing Rep

Pick list to search by marketing rep.


Search tool to specify one or more offices to search.


Search tool to specify one or more producers to search.

Producer Group

Pick list to search by producer groups.

Producer Market Contact

Pick list to search producer market contacts.

Producer Tier

Pick list to search producer tiers.

Producer Underwriting Contact

Pick list to search producer underwriting contacts.

Received Date

Date Range tool to let you search for received dates falling within the specified date range.


Pick list to search regions.

Line of Insurance Criteria

Aggregated Specific Deductible

Value Range  to search for aggregate specific deductible amounts within a specified range.


Search tool to specify one or more carriers to search.

Case Disposition

Pick list to search case dispositions.

Case Disposition Competitor

Pick list to search case disposition competitors.

Case Size

Value Range  to search for when case size is within a specified range.


Value Range  to search for when  deductible amounts are within a specified range.

Effective Date

Date Range tool to let you search for effective dates falling within the specified date range.

Est Annual Premium

Value Range  to search for when estimate annual premium amounts are within a specified range.

Experience Rated

Boolean to specify whether to only return records that are or are not experience rated.

Last Quote Date

Date Range tool to let you search for quote date falling within a specified date range.

Last Task

Pick list to search specified last tasks.

LCM UR Vendor

Pick list to search specified LCM UR vendors.

No Laser Option

Boolean to specify whether to only return records that do or do not have a laser option.

Original Quote Date

Date Range tool to let you search for original quote dates falling within a specified date range.

PPO Network

Pick list to search specified PPO networks.

Probability of Close

Pick list to search specified close probabilities.

Quote Priority Level

Pick list to search specified quote priority levels.

Quote Status

Pick list to search specified quote statuses.

Rate to Manual

Value Range  to search for when rate to manual amounts are within a specified range.


Boolean to specify whether to only return records that are or are not renewals.

Renewal Sequence 0

Boolean to specify whether to only return records where renewal sequence is or is not 0.

Renewal Tier

Pick list to search specified renewal tiers.

Split Funding Corridor

Value Range  to search for when split funding corridor amounts are within a specified range.

Status Reasons

Pick list to search specified status reasons.


Pick list to search specified treaties.


Pick list to search specified underwriters.

UR Vendor

Pick list to search specified UR vendors.

Uwr Assistant

Pick list to search specified underwriter assistants.

Process Category

Assigned To

Pick list to search specified assignees.


Make any changes to the query as desired


Expands the query item.


Deletes a specifc query element.


Lets you edit the query item.


Removes the query item.


Click Run to run the query. Query results appear in table format.


Clicking a column lets you sort results ascending or descending on that column.


Lets you resize the column.


Click to change status and probability of close for the account.


If you want to re-run a recent query, click Recent Queries and choose the desired query from the list.